Shanghai/Feb.5, 2005
As one part of the fifth anniversary celebration, YesHiTech Inc. organizes a series of one-on-one meetings in Shanghai for international buyers and suppliers. During January 31, 2004 and February 1, 2005 the first meeting was held in Shanghai Wugong Hotel. Mr. Asghar Kamal Butt, Chief Executive of Kamal Tex, Pakistan, took part in this activity and met personally with twelve leading suppliers recommended by China Textile & Apparel Online.
Thanks to excellent preparation, professional interpreters as well as comfortable circumstance in the Coffee room, all the buyers and suppliers were fruitfully satisfied. Mr. Tiannuo Ye, Marketing Manager of Shanghai Zhengjia Milk Fiber Dress Co., Ltd. brought the brand new products researched and invented by their own company. It is said that Zhengjia is the No.1 in China that supplies the milk fiber. Mr. Asghar Kamal Butt was very interested in the presentations. He told us that he might be able to sign the contracts with two of the suppliers. Besides this, he got something to share his happiness with us. As soon as he arrived in Shanghai on this trip, his company shipped 9 containers of cotton yarns and fabrics to China.
We are always pleased to hear the exciting successful cases from our customers. In the new year, China Textile & Apparel Online will celebrate his 5th birthday, and constantly bring the prosperous spring for international textile and apparel industry.
Notice: YesHiTech has moved into new office. Please find the new contact as follow:
Adrian Yao (Mr.)
Marketing Executive,YesHiTech Inc.
Add: 4th Floor, No.109 Nandandong Road, Shanghai 200030, China
Tel: +86-21-5150 5953, Fax: +86-21-5150 5955
Email: yaofm@texindex.com, MSN: ailadrian@msn.com
Website: www.langongzs.com