According to USDA's latest weekly cotton summary, during the week ending Apr 21, net Upland sales reductions of 43,900 RB resulted as increases for Vietnam (20,900 RB, including 19,600 RB switched from China), Taiwan (7,100 RB), Bangladesh (5,700 RB, including 4,800 RB switched from China), and the Philippines (4,300 RB), were more than offset by decreases for China (46,100 RB), Morocco (29,900 RB), Brazil (6,400 RB), Turkey (4,100 RB), and El Salvador (2,100 RB). Net sales of 66,300 RB for delivery in 2011/12 were mainly for Thailand (37,800 RB), South Korea (12,700 RB), and Indonesia (7,300 RB). Decreases were reported for Turkey (600 RB).
Exports of 352,900 RB were up 4 percent from the previous week, but down 13 percent from the prior 4-week average. The primary destinations were China (87,600 RB), Turkey (78,400 RB), Vietnam (24,400 RB), Indonesia (22,500 RB), Mexico (21,700 RB), and Brazil (17,700 RB).
Net American Pima sales of 5,000 RB were up noticeably from the previous week and unchanged from the prior 4-week average. Increases were reported for Pakistan (2,100 RB), India (1,500 RB), and Peru (1,300 RB). Decreases were reported for Japan (1,300 RB). Net sales of 1,700 RB for delivery in 2011/2012 were for Japan (1,000 RB) and India (900 RB). Decreases were reported for Bangladesh (200 RB). Exports of 7,800 RB were primarily to China (2,800 RB), Pakistan (1,700 RB), Germany (1,400 RB), India (700 RB), and Japan (500 RB).