● PTA basically kept shivering in weakness in the first half of Jun, though saw several waves of small rebounds among decreases. Yisheng Ningbo started new units and spurred worries on possible oversupply. With robust demand from polyester plants and the shut down of some units, firmness presented dominant in MEG market during the past half month. The market mainly presented an upward trend in fluctuation, supported by both traders and polyester taking offers actively.
● PET Fiber chip rebounded in the beginning of Jun, and inventory of fiber chips were transformed smoothly to the downstream. After that, transactions tended quiet and the market kept consolidating.
● Supported by rigid demand, PFY sales kept good but gradually softened in recent two days. With inventory down to a low level, PFY prices gained small increases during the reporting period. But relatively weak feedstock market cast negative impact on downstream. PFY market may keep consolidating with structural divergence.
● In H1 Jun, direct-spun PSF market witnessed slight rebounds. PSF sales were also satisfactory and plants’ inventory gradually was digested. Owing to low inventory and meager profits, PSF traded price continued to inch up, with price range at 450yuan/mt. But, at the end of H1 Jun, PSF sales gradually cooled down.
● In H1 Jun, PET bottle chip market fluctuated within a small range, with price movements by merely 50-100yuan/mt. With sufficient stocks in hand, downstream plants and traders were inclined to look on. Thus transactions shrank evidently. In export sector, trades of ordinary varieties were plain except FR (fast reheat) bottle chips of major producers.