WACKER to raise prices for VINNACOAT & POLYVIOL (Germany) |
WACKER POLYMERS is to raise its prices in Europe for VINNAPAS and VINNOL vinylacetate and acrylate based dispersions, as well as for VINNACOAT und POLYVIOL polyvinylalcohol solutions.
Effective July 1, 2011, prices for vinylacetate and acrylate based dispersions will be increased by up to ?00 per ton and by up to eight percent for polyvinylalcohol solutions, or as customer contracts allow.
This measure has been necessitated by the continued increase in raw-material cost. The price adjustments will enable WACKER POLYMERS to continue providing excellent quality and comprehensive technical service and to boost the development of innovative product and process technologies for the benefit of customers.
VINNAPAS and VINNOL dispersions are applied in a broad variety of industries, ranging from adhesives, nonwovens, paints and coatings to paper, carpet and textiles. VINNACOAT und POLYVIOL polyvinylalcohol solutions are mainly used in the paper and printing industry.
WACKER POLYMERS is a leading producer of state-of-the-art binders and polymer additives in the form of dispersible polymer powders and dispersions, polyvinyl acetates, surface coating resins and polyvinyl alcohol solutions.
Source:Wacker Chemie AG