It was a better week for the fine end of the market, with relatively small changes in the individual AWEX MPGs. Fine wool growers will be watching the market even more closely next week when 14,600 bales are currently rostered for the second Newcastle sale of the season.
Skirtings had an overall good week, with a strong start on Wednesday. Prices held up in the North and the West on Thursday, but eased a little in some areas in the South.
Prices for crossbred types were generally down on both days, but continue to be the best performer in terms of market change since the start of the season.
Oddments were steady all week, with good demand for locks pushing their prices up. The average AWEX Merino Cardings Price Guide was virtually unchanged. Buyers for China were dominant followed by buyers for India, Europe and Korea.
Sales will be held in Newcastle, Melbourne and Fremantle next week, when 49,666 bales are currently rostered for sale. Present estimates for the following two sales (Weeks 17 and 18) are 44,110 and 45,100 bales, respectively; a decrease of 5.0% over the three sale period when compared with last year.
The New Zealand Merino Company is rostered to offer 2,400 bales in Melbourne next week and 1,500 bales in Week 17.
In South African sales, the Cape Wools Indicator was up by 3.4% since last week against a 3.3% appreciation of the Rand against the US Dollar and a 0.4% appreciation against the Euro. 7,815 bales were on offer.